Did you know that the average salary of an accountant in the UK is £62,042 a year? Just imagine, you are a start-up or a medium-sized accountancy practice, and you have to hire multiple people. Would it be in your budget or not? You are already pinching every penny you can, the added expense of onboarding isn’t something you can afford.
Moreover, finding an experienced and reliable resource for the openings may take few weeks or sometimes months. So, you’re losing more money than just onboarding costs.
On the other hand, when you consider accountancy outsourcing services, you bypass all of that. You don’t have to pay any onboarding fees. No desks to purchase or training material to pore over. All you get is a highly trained accountant at an affordable price. Additionally, you’ll also save money on additional expenses like health insurance or paid time off, which means even more savings